
​Industrial Lighting


​Light can fulfill a wide range of different functions and purposes in industry. The wealth of applications stretches from illuminating entire assembly halls to lighting smaller units to production preparation through to rooms for product tests and quality assurance. Light can enhance productivity while at the same time significantly reducing your energy costs.

When you can see better and more clearly, you can also concentrate more effectively, eliminate errors and ultimately be more efficient. At the same time, it is important not to lose sight of the operating costs despite any potential optimization of productivity. LEDVANCE offers various innovative lighting solutions in this field of conflict, which satisfy both requirements individually in order to improve quality, productivity and safety.

​"Professional consultancy, attractive payback periods in conjunction with product quality provide the decisive edge."​

​​We consider your environment and task assignment

It is also important in this respect to take account of environmental conditions such as dust, humidity, heat and vibrations. Likewise, we ensure uniform illumination and appropriate positioning of luminaires in order to avoid reflections on workpiece or machine surfaces and to prevent premature fatigue in employees. 

industrial lighting

Comprehensive portfolio for tailored solutions

Thanks to our extremely broad-based product portfolio, we can offer you a tailored solution to meet your requirements optimally. These are some of the issues and challenges we look at as part of our detailed and individual consultation:

  • Which light color is best suited for your purposes?

  • How meaningful are dimming and presence detection?

  • Replacing the luminaire or light source – which is better for you?

  • Energy and replacement cost reductions – where can you make savings?

  • Are new light sources compatible with your system?

The advantages for industry

  • Consideration of your environment and task assignment

  • Good light can improve performance

  • Falling costs for power consumption​

Individual, personal, thorough: lighting consultation assistance

As one of the world's leading light makers, we offer comprehensive knowledge about lighting technology. For nearly a century now, we have been using our expertise to offer a broad, up-to-date range of products. Our deep understanding of all lighting technologies and the multifaceted areas of application for them enables us to produce high-quality products and tailored solutions.

The products we offer you include:

  • Product presentations

  • A personal visit with a tour of your facility

  • Lighting consultation services

  • Cost-benefit analysis

  • High energy savings

  • Long-life solutions with LED​

Use of our comprehensive knowledge for the good of your company: Make an appointment for a non-binding meeting with one of LEDVANCE's lighting experts in our offices. Use LED lamps and our new LED luminaires to significantly reduce your energy consumption. You can save even more money by reducing your maintenance cycles.

Measuring Success

For owners and operators of industrial facilities, success is dependent upon:

  • Developing  employee productivity

  • Providing a safe and visually positive environment for production processes

  • Achieving greater energy efficiency and sustainability

  • Reducing operational costs

Manufacturing and industry heads are presented with these and many other formidable challenges in today‘s tough economic environment: overseas competition from overseas, supply and inventory demands, “lean” manufacturing, transportation and logistics costs, government regulations and tighter operating budgets, to name a few.

Manufacturing executives are looking for creative ways to ramp up their performance and reliability, to meet quality and financial goals and customer expectations. Along with improving the operational efficiencies and productivity levels in their facilities, they also want to be “greener” - employing new systems and equipment and methodologies to reduce their facility’s carbon footprint.

High-performance industrial facilities are the key to stimulating the productivity gains needed to stay ahead of the curve in today’s economy.  Effective, well-illuminated shop floors, warehouses, processing and production areas can positively impact employee performance as well as improving the bottom line and operational goals.


Lighting and Your Bottom Line


New or Upgraded Lighting Systems = A Brighter Future for Industry 

Today’s industrial, warehouse and distribution facilities must be responsive and profitable. Properly illuminated workspaces help drive the efficiencies and solutions that manufacturing executives are looking for:

  • Increased worker productivity and performance

  • Greater levels of workplace safety and lower incident rates

  • Lower facility operation and overhead costs

Given the square footage to be illuminated in a typical manufacturing or distribution facility, the lighting systems must operate economically.  “Economically” does not necessarily mean “cheap” or “lowest initial cost”. The lowest cost lighting system may not provide a visual environment that allows workers to perform at a level that maximizes the company’s profitability.  Since lighting directly affects people’s productivity, their overall contribution to your company’s bottom line is that much greater. Research shows that even small percentage increases in employee productivity more than justifies the investment in lighting upgrades. In summary, a lower cost lighting system may actually raise your operating costs through diminished productivity on the plant floor. The most economical lighting system is one that provides the greatest benefits for the least total cost of ownership. 

Advanced lighting technologies from SYLVANIA offer immediate ways to brighten the workplace, while reducing maintenance costs and cutting energy use. 

Energy and Sustainability 

The industrial market segment is large and diverse and includes a wide range of activities from extracting natural resources and converting them into raw materials, to manufacturing finished products. The industrial sector can be broadly defined as consisting of energy-intensive industries (e.g., iron and steel, chemicals, petroleum refining, cement, aluminum, pulp, and paper) and light industries (e.g., food processing, textiles, wood products, printing and publishing, metal processing). Nearly a third of the world’s energy consumption and 36% of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are attributable to manufacturing industries. The large primary materials industries – chemical, petrochemicals, iron and steel, cement, paper and pulp, and other minerals and metals – account for more than two-thirds of this amount.​ 

When people can see better, they work better.

A typical industrial facility houses many people engaged in a wide variety of visual tasks. The task may be small, such as assembling a circuit board, or large, like operating a smelting furnace. Tasks may involve movement of objects, the viewer, or both.  Well designed lighting systems can make a direct contribution to the success of the operation. They can enhance form and function, enhance workers’ visual comfort, improve safety and security and create flexible spaces that adapt to the task at hand. Unfortunately, lighting it is often treated as an afterthought during the initial building design phase.  More attention is given to the physical dimensions of the production floor, process and production flow and equipment. 

Providing successful lighting systems for today’s industrial facilities is a complex task, requiring a wide breadth of experience and knowledge on the part of the designer.  Specific requirements will vary depending on the type of industry and location of production processes and buildings within a large complex.

These and many other lighting design considerations, are covered in greater detail in the IES Recommended Practice for Lighting Industrial Facilities.



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